Q: What is Ventrilo?
A: Ventrilo is simple, easy to use, does not use much memory (will not make you lag), and is a great way to communicate. Although it’s preferred, you don’t have to have a microphone, you can just listen in.
Q: How can I join?
  1. Download and Install.
  2. Click the arrow to the right of “User Name”. Click “New” to the right of “Select” and a new window will pop up. Type in the box the name you wish to be shown when you’re connected to vent. Click “OK.”
  3. Now, click the arrow to the right of “Server” A new window will pop up. Type in the box whatever you would like the new server name to be. Click “OK.”
  4. In “Hostname or IP,” type in “ventrilo.***.com”. In “Port number,” type “XXXXX” Click “OK.”
  5. Scroll down and choose the device you use for your microphone.
  6. Scroll down and choose the device you want to use to hear sound (speakers, headphones, etc.)
  7. Click in the “Hotkey” box and push the button you want to use to talk. (Many people utilize the MOUSE3, the scroll button on the mouse. You can also use keys on your keyboard.)
  8. Click “Test,” hold down your hotkey, speak into your microphone, and let go of your hotkey. You should be able to hear yourself. (This is so you can find out whether or not your microphone is working and how it sounds). Click “OK.”
  9. Click “Connect.” When you connect, you will find yourself in the lobby. Double click on the channel you would like to join. Depending on the channel, a window may appear, asking for the channel password. This password can be attained, most likely, from your guild leader, and/or the guildmate that set up the vent channel. If not, just ask any guildmate that uses vent.