Category: Uncategorized

Matsuda’s Public response to racist speech: Considering the victim’s story

Spike Lee: Do the Right Thing: Everybody Hates Speech YouTube: America’s Unscorned Racists“The need to attack the effects of racism and patriarchy in order to attack the deep, hidden, tangled roots characterizes outsider thinking about law” (p. 2326) YouTube: Mexican vs. Racist Angry white minutemen“The typical reaction of target-group members to an incident of racist …

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Racism Photos and Victim Impact

Examples of Racist Speech

Reverend Wright Spike Lee: Do the Right Thing: Everybody Hates Speech Richard Pryor on the N Word Kramer Comedian Racist Cartoons Little Lulu — Caboose (Racism) Family Guy: Black Racist and the Self-Hating Jew Who Writes His Speech Mexican vs. Racist Angry white minutemen Fox Attacks Black America Ferraro’s Racist Remarks on Barack Obama & …

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Apartheid of Knowledge Discussion Questions

Handout questions from July 18, 2008 CRT. Delgado Bernal, D. & Villalpando, O. (2002). An apartheid of knowledge in academia: The struggle over the “legitimate” knowledge of faculty of color. Equity & Excellence in Education, 35(2), 169-180. What do Delgado Bernal & Villapando mean by the phrase “Apartheid of Knowedge”? We believe that an “apartheid …

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The counterstory…

The only counter story, I have at this moment… is how GMAP does not fund Asian-American students. Asking the university to consider Asian-Americans a part of the underrepresented groups to get access to the same funding that Latino and Black Americans have had access to through the Iowa State University system.

Writing a story/counterstory/counternarrative

from handout in CRT on July 16, 2008 To illustrate or emphasize a point/achieve a goal To contradict and challenge mainstream discourse/status quo (public transcript) To provide an intervention in the reproduction of racism To create an alternative scenario or interpretation of a racial experience To name and reclaim a reality we are taught and …

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When the levees break

When the levees break When the Levees Broke, 2006, by Spike Lee Heckuva Job – Spike Lee Doc Hurricane Katrina: Don’t Look Away

Is an Ally really an Ally?

Is an ally really and ally? Or are Allies in place for the majorities “word” in the underrepresented groups.

Interest Convergence

Ep. 10 Boondocks: Season One The Itis The Boondocks – 110 – The Itisby yoh_asakura_08

The Four Frames of Color-Blindness

Bonilla-Silva, E. (2006). Color-blind Racism and the Persistence of Racial Inequality in the United States (2nd Ed.). (Ch. 3: The style of color blindness: How to talk nasty about minorities without sounding racist, pp. 53-74) Abstract Liberalism: involves using ideas associated with political liberalism and economic liberalism in an abstract manner to explain racial matters. …

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