Yosso, T. (2005). Whose culture has capital?: A critical race theory discussion of community cultural wealth. Race, Ethnicity and Education, 8(1), 69-91. Solorzano, D. & Yosso, T. (2002). A critical race counterstory of race, racism, and affirmative action. Equity & Excellence in Education, 35(2), 155-168. My question: What one thing can campuses do to foster …
Category: Race
Jul 16
What is the Black/White Binary?
(from Critical Race Theory handout on July 16, 2008) a simplistic paradigm of racial relations based on either or promotes a divide and conquer strategy among people of color feeds into the dualism that shaped the U.S. value system (two elements usually oppositional) discourages perception of common interests among people of colour totally ignores the …
Jul 16
Which position do you most agree with and why?
(from Critical Race Theory on July 16, 2008) Idealists: Holds that racism and discrimination are matters of thinking, mental categorization, attitude, and discourse. Race is a social construction, so it can be dismantled through changing scripts, images, words, and attitudes that oppress others. Realists: Despite attitudes and words (both important), racism is means by which …
Jul 16
Racial Realism
From handout on July 16, 2008 in Critical Race Theory. Derrick Bell and others posit a racial philosophy:Views on Racial Realism: Black people will never gain full equality in this country (i.e., parity with White people) Efforts will only result in temporary progress Through acceptance of this perspective, Blacks can imaginatively devise strategies that foster …