Category: Coursework
Sep 09
Questions about the work
Questions about my work How do I define social justice work? Research questions – a lot of them -= how do you distinguish them – what are the sub questions – research question 1, 1a, b, c… Focusing the big question what do I mean by experiences? what does it mean? what do i mean …
Sep 09
Designing: Draft Stage Two
HGED 615H: Designing Laura Bestler Iowa State University September 9, 2009 Research Questions What I really want to know…. What is the impact of compassion fatigue on student affairs professionals working toward social justice on their campus? Why do student affairs professionals work towards social justice? (Why do they do what they do?) How do …
Sep 02
Problem, Purpose & Question
Developing the problem statement: Beginning: Problem: The Impact of Compassion Fatigue on Social Justice Allies in Student Affairs What is the impact of compassion fatigue on student affairs professionals social justice allies Although, Creswell, J. W. (2003). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. The problem people get …