Author's posts
Jul 21
Discussion with Lynette L. Danley
Lynette L. Danley Question: What two things can student affairs professionals do to nurture a healthy learning university environment free from racial battle fatigue?
Jul 21
Matsuda’s Public response to racist speech: Considering the victim’s story
Spike Lee: Do the Right Thing: Everybody Hates Speech YouTube: America’s Unscorned Racists“The need to attack the effects of racism and patriarchy in order to attack the deep, hidden, tangled roots characterizes outsider thinking about law” (p. 2326) YouTube: Mexican vs. Racist Angry white minutemen“The typical reaction of target-group members to an incident of racist …
Jul 19
Examples of Racist Speech
Reverend Wright Spike Lee: Do the Right Thing: Everybody Hates Speech Richard Pryor on the N Word Kramer Comedian Racist Cartoons Little Lulu — Caboose (Racism) Family Guy: Black Racist and the Self-Hating Jew Who Writes His Speech Mexican vs. Racist Angry white minutemen Fox Attacks Black America Ferraro’s Racist Remarks on Barack Obama & …
Jul 18
Discussion with T. Yosso during CRT
Yosso, T. (2005). Whose culture has capital?: A critical race theory discussion of community cultural wealth. Race, Ethnicity and Education, 8(1), 69-91. Solorzano, D. & Yosso, T. (2002). A critical race counterstory of race, racism, and affirmative action. Equity & Excellence in Education, 35(2), 155-168. My question: What one thing can campuses do to foster …
Jul 18
Apartheid of Knowledge Discussion Questions
Handout questions from July 18, 2008 CRT. Delgado Bernal, D. & Villalpando, O. (2002). An apartheid of knowledge in academia: The struggle over the “legitimate” knowledge of faculty of color. Equity & Excellence in Education, 35(2), 169-180. What do Delgado Bernal & Villapando mean by the phrase “Apartheid of Knowedge”? We believe that an “apartheid …
Jul 18
The counterstory…
The only counter story, I have at this moment… is how GMAP does not fund Asian-American students. Asking the university to consider Asian-Americans a part of the underrepresented groups to get access to the same funding that Latino and Black Americans have had access to through the Iowa State University system.
Jul 18
Writing a story/counterstory/counternarrative
from handout in CRT on July 16, 2008 To illustrate or emphasize a point/achieve a goal To contradict and challenge mainstream discourse/status quo (public transcript) To provide an intervention in the reproduction of racism To create an alternative scenario or interpretation of a racial experience To name and reclaim a reality we are taught and …
Jul 18
When the levees break
When the levees break When the Levees Broke, 2006, by Spike Lee Heckuva Job – Spike Lee Doc Hurricane Katrina: Don’t Look Away
Jul 18
an email
My mom sent me an email about a month ago… and………. it was not… good to get… seriously… this is the stuff that is sent to other people… I emiled back… and said — interesting take Mom. really saying nothing more.. it was frustrating to me — because… it was my mom… —– Original Message …