Videos shown in Critical Race Theory on July 16, 2008
“Whiteness as Property”
Phillip L. Vasquez and Carrie Kortegast
(from handout on July 16, 2008)
The property of functions of whiteness:
The law has accorded holders of whiteness the benefits and privileges accorded to holders of other types of property:
- Rights to disposition
- Right to use and enjoyment
- Right to reputation
- The absolute right to exclude
- Brayboy, B.M.J. (2005). Toward a tribal critical race theory in education. The Urban Review, 37(5), 425-446.
- Delgado, R. & Stefancic, J. (2001). Critical Race Theory: An introduction. New York: New York University Press.
- Harris, C.I (1993). Whiteness as property. Harvard Law Review, 106(8), 1707-1791.
- Solorzano, D. & Yosso, T. (2002). A critical race counterstory of race, racism, and affirmative action. Equity & Excellence in Education, 35(2), 155-168.
- Yosso, T. (2005). Whose culture has capital?: A critical race theory discussion of community cultural wealth. Race, Ethnicity and Education, 8(1), 69-91.
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